Hmm, 90 minutes and no response.  Is there something good on telly?

I'd wonder why when suggesting that Linux is rolling on too fast Peter
would want to load a beta product?

I've just spent the afternoon rescuing a brand new PC where the capital
city office of a rural business dropped a couple of installs on the
system, and that was that - no configuration or testing.  The PC came
with (W7 of course, and) a 60-day trial of Office 2007.  The install of
Office 2003 without first removing Office 07 was not a clever move.
That the OS was 64 bit and none of the existing hardware would run
properly either didn't add to user satisfaction.

I was thinking as I was getting things to work that even Debian is
cutting edge compared to these days dropping Office 03 onto the system,
or even offering a 60 day trial of a 3 year old product.  It's not that
simple of course - there are mega patches on Office 03 and W7, so
nothing is really that old.

I'm sure there are plenty of IT managers out there who can explain how
they manage the balance of new vs old.  For me it's simple - run Debian.
Iceweasel 3.0.6 and OpenOffice 2.4.1.  Won't connect to my wifi Epson
TX710 (ok - I haven't tried hard).  But no broken dependencies either.


On Sun, 2010-09-19 at 18:41 +1000, Peter Rundle wrote:
> Hi Sluggers,
> does anyone on this list, who isn't running the latest version of Ubuntu and 
> doesn't re-build their Linux desktop every second day 
> and therefore doesn't have "add-apt-repository" and 
> "ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa" or whatever the hell is that on their box,
> had any success in finding links to instructions as to how to install Firefox 
> 4.0 beta for normal users? (People still using 
> Jaunty for example).
> TIA's
> Pete
> P.S yes I'm frustrated and exasperated with Linux and no I can no longer be 
> bothered to try to keep up with the insane rate at 
> which the community changes things. I'm sure there are a million arguments as 
> to why the accelerator pedal would be better if it 
> was on the left but it's not, it's on the right so just leave it there 
> otherwise you will just leave a whole bunch of users behind 
> who will then go back to that other operating system.

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