Jon and Hannah said:
> Yes Myth detects the card correctly. I am using EIT also.
> What part of it would be usign UDP, isn't that for entwork traffic not TV?

UDP would be for things like IPTV, which MythTV supports. Just
speculation on my part — sorry for the confusion.

> Following previous peoples instructions, I'm no recieving the following error 
> on import of channels.conf "Programmer Error: Failed to heandle tune 
> complete." Then nothing happens.

Sounds like you could be suffering from this:


You’re probably better off seeing if you can go higher up the food chain
(direct to a MythTV bug report, or at least asking from their user
support, although I'd avoid their IRC channel because they are rather
arrogant) because Ubuntu are not likely to fix bugs unless about 50
people can reproduce it.

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