> We ended up settling on Mandriva, my son is able to keep it up to date and 
> install software through easy gui tools. It installed easily, everything 
> worked and with the PLF repo's we have everything we could want software 
> wise. I have found urmpi to be a capable alternative to apt. I'm so impressed 
> actually, I am considering making the move on my workstation.

Good for you.  Mandriva is a superb distro which is mostly overlooked in
this country.  It has better than most hardware support and its Control
Centre is one of the best around.  Urpmi is very, very good but I have
to confess that I find Yum a little better.  I have used Mandriva for
about 10 years and have never found it lacking although I am having a
flirt with Fedora 15 right now for no real reason other than to see what
the rest are doing.  Mageia (Mandriva's fork) has better artwork but is,
for release 1.0, a little lacking in the driver department.  Right now
it is a better looking Mandriva.  Mandriva does KDE4 better than any
other distro I have tried.

This will start a war no doubt but these are my humble findings.  I have
used Linux since 1996 and as my desktop of choice since 1999 when things
were a lot harder to do.  By comparison now, Linux borders on boring
because it works so well.



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