On 14/11/2011, at 9:00 AM, slug-requ...@slug.org.au wrote:

>> The problem here is that with Gnome3 (and they started this attitude in
>> Gnome2), they make it very difficult to do things any way other than the
>> default.
> I work in tech support, doing a lot of phone support for non-technical users. 
> Let me tell you, and I feel this with all my heart: that's a feature, not a 
> bug.

Which may be true for the great unwashed mass, but methinks 'dona toucha da 
buttons' is (clearly it IS) not the paradigm that suits us (generic)
So I venture 'non technical users' is not applicable, and so I fret
I would be much more understanding if a less microsoft/apple approach was taken 
that said 'Here be all the things we have done, help yourself ...' 
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