On 14/11/2011, at 12:22, Rod Butcher wrote:
> the unit manager and team leader were
> god, and screens had to be and remain exactly as they had agreed with IT -
> every button & key must keep working as specified. & stay in the same place
> etc. Nothing to do with being dumbed down, but all to do with service levels &
> productivity. Clunky ? Yes. Bulletproof ? Yes. Fast in the hands of an
> experienced operator ? Yes. Usable by novice if necessary ? Yes.
> I don't see how Gnome 3 being forced on folks who never asked for it meets 
> above
> realworld rules.

That doesn't sound like a very healthy management structure to me. Frankly I 
don't believe they deserve that level of control, and as such those rules are 
pretty unreasonable.

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