On Sat, August 11, 2012 12:04 am, Glen Turner wrote:
> 1) Verify operation by walk down the name server tree using dig
> Firstly, find the nameserver. You are following the tree down so the IP
> addresses come from the answers of the previous command:
> dig +norecurse ns au
> dig @ +norecurse ns com.au
> dig @ +norecurse ns dom.com.au
> dig a ns1.dnsimple.com
> Now ask about the mail exchanger
> dig @ +norecurse mx dom.com.au
> dig aspmx.l.google.com

all OK

> And connect to it
> telnet mail QUIT

from bigpond adsl 'telnet mail' doesn't but 'telnet 587' is OK

> Do that for every server for dom.com.au to ensure that the answers are
> consistent. You might want to pull the SOAs to be sure the serial numbers
> are identical.


> 2) Be clear about DNS forwarding versus DNS serving.

I'm not sure how that fits in..?
I have mail server and three authoritative dns servers..?
I don't believe I have any DNS forwarding...?

> They are not the same. This sort of issue is usually the result of
> confusing the two.

> 3) Understand TTL and caching

> Your changes do not take effect immediately and old configurations and
> errored configurations can be around for some time.

Glen, thanks

it all checks out when I test it from here, but, verizon tells me they
fail getting response from all three servers from their network

AFAICT, I can't fault the setup, I was testing in a similar manner prior
to your email, using 'dig dom.tld +trace' to get delegation tree

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