I sat down and worked on this a bit last night.  I've only got a few dozen lines of PHP so far, and I haven't quite decided how to plot them yet, but it's a start. :)

For starters I think the following query would be a useful test case:

select (time_end-time_start) as time_used, (time_start-time_submit) as time_waited from mycluster_job_table;

.. average job run time and the average time spent waiting in the queue...


On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Marcin Stolarek <stolarek.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all, I'd like to join this question. I remember someone presenting web based application allowing visualisation of accounting data from slurmdbd.

Does anyone know a running solution?


2013/3/30 Alan Orth <alan.o...@gmail.com>

I've got a small cluster using MySQL for accounting and I've got some ideas about the type of data I'd like to pull out of my database.  Just checking to see if anyone has already written queries or gnuplot scripts before I start writing my own.

The kinds of things I have I'm interested in are showing usage, average run time, average wait time, jobs completed, etc.


Alan Orth
"In heaven all the interesting people are missing." -Friedrich Nietzsche

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