We have developed a simple one using the Slurm C API. It's not posted anywhere, 
but I'm happy to share with any one who is interested. I'll send you a tarball 
off list.


On Aug 11, 2013, at Aug 11, 6:04 AM, Christopher Samuel wrote:

> Hi folks,
> We're transitioning to Slurm on our x86 clusters from Torque+Moab and
> one thing I'd like to be able to provide to users is an equivalent of
> showq from Moab (and Maui before it) which splits the squeue into
> running and eligible jobs.
> Google shows me that people have commented on the list before about
> having their own copies but I've not found any available yet.
> Before we go trying to (re?)inventing the wheel, does anyone know of any
> already publicly available out there?
> All the best,
> Chris
> -- 
> Christopher Samuel        Senior Systems Administrator
> VLSCI - Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative
> Email: sam...@unimelb.edu.au Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545
> http://www.vlsci.org.au/      http://twitter.com/vlsci

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