Yeah, we have a version that we modded from Karl's for our systems here. Karl if you don't mind I can drop it on my github account and attribute the original writing of it to TACC.

-Paul Edmon-

On 8/11/2013 10:42 AM, Karl Schulz wrote:
We have developed a simple one using the Slurm C API. It's not posted anywhere, 
but I'm happy to share with any one who is interested. I'll send you a tarball 
off list.


On Aug 11, 2013, at Aug 11, 6:04 AM, Christopher Samuel wrote:

Hi folks,

We're transitioning to Slurm on our x86 clusters from Torque+Moab and
one thing I'd like to be able to provide to users is an equivalent of
showq from Moab (and Maui before it) which splits the squeue into
running and eligible jobs.

Google shows me that people have commented on the list before about
having their own copies but I've not found any available yet.

Before we go trying to (re?)inventing the wheel, does anyone know of any
already publicly available out there?

All the best,
Christopher Samuel        Senior Systems Administrator
VLSCI - Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative
Email: Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545

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