Hello, I have problem with sbatch. I run the following command. Why can't I see results of control node and compute nodes at standard output? Thank you.
miao@SLURM0:~$ cat my.script #!/bin/sh #SBATCH --time=30 /bin/hostname srun -l /bin/hostname srun -l /bin/pwd miao@SLURM0:~$ sbatch –n2 my.script Submitted batch job 74 miao@SLURM0:~$ miao@SLURM0:~$ scontrol show config Configuration data as of 2014-01-04T18:47:22 AccountingStorageBackupHost = (null) AccountingStorageEnforce = none AccountingStorageHost = localhost AccountingStorageLoc = /var/log/slurm_jobacct.log AccountingStoragePort = 0 AccountingStorageType = accounting_storage/none AccountingStorageUser = root AccountingStoreJobComment = YES AuthType = auth/munge BackupAddr = (null) BackupController = (null) BatchStartTimeout = 10 sec BOOT_TIME = 2014-01-04T16:53:52 CacheGroups = 0 CheckpointType = checkpoint/none ClusterName = slurm CompleteWait = 0 sec ControlAddr = SLURM0 ControlMachine = SLURM0 CryptoType = crypto/munge DebugFlags = (null) DefMemPerNode = UNLIMITED DisableRootJobs = NO EnforcePartLimits = NO Epilog = (null) EpilogMsgTime = 2000 usec EpilogSlurmctld = (null) FastSchedule = 1 FirstJobId = 1 GetEnvTimeout = 2 sec GresTypes = (null) GroupUpdateForce = 0 GroupUpdateTime = 600 sec HASH_VAL = Match HealthCheckInterval = 0 sec HealthCheckProgram = (null) InactiveLimit = 0 sec JobAcctGatherFrequency = 30 sec JobAcctGatherType = jobacct_gather/none JobCheckpointDir = /var/slurm/checkpoint JobCompHost = localhost JobCompLoc = /var/log/slurm_jobcomp.log JobCompPort = 0 JobCompType = jobcomp/none JobCompUser = root JobCredentialPrivateKey = (null) JobCredentialPublicCertificate = (null) JobFileAppend = 0 JobRequeue = 1 JobSubmitPlugins = (null) KillOnBadExit = 0 KillWait = 30 sec Licenses = (null) MailProg = /usr/bin/mail MaxJobCount = 10000 MaxJobId = 4294901760 MaxMemPerNode = UNLIMITED MaxStepCount = 40000 MaxTasksPerNode = 128 MessageTimeout = 10 sec MinJobAge = 300 sec MpiDefault = none MpiParams = (null) NEXT_JOB_ID = 79 OverTimeLimit = 0 min PluginDir = /usr/lib/slurm PlugStackConfig = /etc/slurm-llnl/plugstack.conf PreemptMode = OFF PreemptType = preempt/none PriorityType = priority/basic PrivateData = none ProctrackType = proctrack/pgid Prolog = (null) PrologSlurmctld = (null) PropagatePrioProcess = 0 PropagateResourceLimits = ALL PropagateResourceLimitsExcept = (null) ResumeProgram = (null) ResumeRate = 300 nodes/min ResumeTimeout = 60 sec ResvOverRun = 0 min ReturnToService = 0 SallocDefaultCommand = (null) SchedulerParameters = (null) SchedulerPort = 7321 SchedulerRootFilter = 1 SchedulerTimeSlice = 30 sec SchedulerType = sched/backfill SelectType = select/linear SlurmUser = root(0) SlurmctldDebug = 6 SlurmctldLogFile = /var/log/slurm-llnl/slurmctld.log SlurmSchedLogFile = (null) SlurmctldPort = 6817 SlurmctldTimeout = 300 sec SlurmdDebug = 5 SlurmdLogFile = /var/log/slurm-llnl/slurmd.log SlurmdPidFile = /var/run/slurmd.pid SlurmdPort = 6818 SlurmdSpoolDir = /tmp/slurmd SlurmdTimeout = 300 sec SlurmdUser = root(0) SlurmSchedLogLevel = 0 SlurmctldPidFile = /var/run/slurmctld.pid SLURM_CONF = /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf SLURM_VERSION = 2.3.2 SrunEpilog = (null) SrunProlog = (null) StateSaveLocation = /tmp SuspendExcNodes = (null) SuspendExcParts = (null) SuspendProgram = (null) SuspendRate = 60 nodes/min SuspendTime = NONE SuspendTimeout = 30 sec SwitchType = switch/none TaskEpilog = (null) TaskPlugin = task/none TaskPluginParam = (null type) TaskProlog = (null) TmpFS = /tmp TopologyPlugin = topology/none TrackWCKey = 0 TreeWidth = 50 UsePam = 0 UnkillableStepProgram = (null) UnkillableStepTimeout = 60 sec VSizeFactor = 0 percent WaitTime = 0 sec Slurmctld(primary/backup) at SLURM0/(NULL) are UP/DOWN miao@SLURM0:~$ sinfo PARTITION AVAIL TIMELIMIT NODES STATE NODELIST debug* up infinite 2 idle SLURM[1-2] miao@SLURM0:~$ cat /var/log/slurm-llnl/slurmctld.log [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Processing RPC: REQUEST_SUBMIT_BATCH_JOB from uid=1000 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: found 2 usable nodes from config containing SLURM[1-2] [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: sched: JobId=74 allocated resources: NodeList=(null) [2014-01-04T16:59:15] _slurm_rpc_submit_batch_job JobId=74 usec=456 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug: sched: Running job scheduler [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: found 2 usable nodes from config containing SLURM[1-2] [2014-01-04T16:59:15] sched: Allocate JobId=74 NodeList=SLURM1 #CPUs=1 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Spawning RPC agent for msg_type 4005 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: got 1 threads to send out [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Tree head got back 0 looking for 1 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Tree head got back 1 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Tree head got them all [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Processing RPC: REQUEST_JOB_ALLOCATION_INFO_LITE from uid=1000 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug: _slurm_rpc_job_alloc_info_lite JobId=74 NodeList=SLURM1 usec=73 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Processing RPC: REQUEST_JOB_STEP_CREATE from uid=1000 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug: Configuration for job 74 complete [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug: laying out the 1 tasks on 1 hosts SLURM1 dist 1 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] sched: _slurm_rpc_job_step_create: StepId=74.0 SLURM1 usec=490 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug: Processing RPC: REQUEST_STEP_COMPLETE for 74.0 nodes 0-0 rc=0 uid=0 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] sched: _slurm_rpc_step_complete StepId=74.0 usec=106 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Processing RPC: REQUEST_JOB_ALLOCATION_INFO_LITE from uid=1000 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug: _slurm_rpc_job_alloc_info_lite JobId=74 NodeList=SLURM1 usec=307 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Processing RPC: REQUEST_JOB_STEP_CREATE from uid=1000 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug: laying out the 1 tasks on 1 hosts SLURM1 dist 1 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] sched: _slurm_rpc_job_step_create: StepId=74.1 SLURM1 usec=592 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug: Processing RPC: REQUEST_STEP_COMPLETE for 74.1 nodes 0-0 rc=0 uid=0 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] sched: _slurm_rpc_step_complete StepId=74.1 usec=104 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: node_did_resp SLURM1 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Processing RPC: REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT from uid=0 JobId=74 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] completing job 74 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Spawning RPC agent for msg_type 6011 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] sched: job_complete for JobId=74 successful [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: _slurm_rpc_complete_batch_script JobId=74 usec=224 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: got 1 threads to send out [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Tree head got back 0 looking for 1 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Tree head got back 1 [2014-01-04T16:59:15] debug2: Tree head got them all [2014-01-04T16:59:16] debug2: node_did_resp SLURM1 miao@SLURM0:~$ srun -n2 -l hostname 1: SLURM2 0: SLURM1 miao@SLURM0:~$ Thank you very much! Best regards Ian Malcolm