Please see the slurmdbd.conf man page:

There are five separate configurable purge values (for jobs, steps, reservations, events, and suspend records). None are purged by default. Setting appropriate purge values is strongly recommended and may reduce your database size a great deal.

Quoting Ulf Markwardt <>:

Dear all,

the update procedure 2.6->14.11 of the slurmdbd adds a couple of indexes to the database. For >> 10 Mio job entries this takes too long.

Do you know a "best practice" how to quickly prune the database to keep only the jobs from within the last 2 months?

I can do this at the mysql-level, like
 delete from `taurus_job_table` where time_end>unix_timestamp('2013-08-01')
but am not sure if this is the correct/best way to do it.

Thank you,

Dr. Ulf Markwardt

Technische Universität Dresden
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
01062 Dresden, Germany

Phone: (+49) 351/463-33640      WWW:

Morris "Moe" Jette

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