We're planning to upgrade Slurm 16.05 to 17.02 soon. The most critical step seems to me to be the upgrade of the slurmdbd database, which may also take tens of minutes.

I thought it's a good idea to test the slurmdbd database upgrade locally on a drained compute node in order to verify both correctness and the time required.

I've developed the dry run upgrade procedure documented in the Wiki page https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/niflheim/Slurm_installation#upgrading-slurm

Question 1: Would people who have real-world Slurm upgrade experience kindly offer comments on this procedure?

My testing was actually successful, and the database conversion took less than 5 minutes in our case.

A crucial step is starting the slurmdbd manually after the upgrade. But how can we be sure that the database conversion has been 100% completed?

Question 2: Can anyone confirm that the output "slurmdbd: debug2: Everything rolled up" indeed signifies that conversion is complete?


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