John: I would refrain from installing the old default package "environment-modules" from the Linux distribution, since it doesn't seem to be maintained any more.

Lmod, on the other hand, is actively maintained and solves some problems with the old "environment-modules" software.

There's an excellent review paper on different module tools: "Modern Scientific Software Management Using EasyBuild and Lmod",


On 01/17/2018 02:55 PM, John Hearns wrote:
I should also say that Modules should be easy to install on Ubuntu. It will  be the package named "environment-modules"

You probably will have to edit the configuration file a little bit since the default install will assume al lModules files are local. You need to set your MODULESPATH to include a shared directory where you will keep all your Modules files.
This really is a lot easier than it sounds.

On 17 January 2018 at 14:48, Vanzo, Davide < <>> wrote:

    Ciao Elisabetta,

    I second John's reply.
    On our cluster we install software on the shared parallel filesystem
    with EasyBuild and use Lmod as a module front-end. Then users will
    simply load software in the job's environment by using the module

    Feel free to ping me directly if you need specific help.
-- *Davide Vanzo, PhD*
    Application Developer
    Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education (ACCRE)
    Vanderbilt University - Hill Center 201
    (615)-875-9137 <tel:(615)%20875-9137> <>

    On 2018-01-17 07:28:31-06:00 slurm-users wrote:

        let's say I need to execute a python script with slurm. The
        script require a particular library installed on the system like
        If the library is not installed to the system, it is necessary
        to install it on the master AND the nodes, right? This has to be
        done on each machine separately or there's a way to install it
        one time for all the machine (master and nodes)?

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