Hi Ole! Thanks for you help. I already checked this installation, but it didn't help me much. I am not using rpm, I am installing direct from the source code (configure, make and make install process). My question is: do I need these plugins on the computational nodes? Thanks in advance, Valeriana Roncero Date: Thu, 10 May 2018 13:49:04 +0200 From: Ole Holm Nielsen <ole.h.niel...@fysik.dtu.dk> On 10-05-2018 13:39, Valeriana wrote:

Good Morning,

I'm new to SLURM. I just installed  slurm-17.11.5.tar.bz2 source on a
Master server (CentOS 7 17.08) with the followings plugins:
DMTCP,Padb,Hostlist,Interactive Script,mpich, openmpi, Node Health
Check,PEStat,HDF5,pam_slurm,PMIx and sqlog. Munge is installed on a
server and nodes and seems to be working fine.

My question is: do I have to install all this plugins on nodes too or
only slurm source?

You may perhaps find some answers in my Slurm installation Wiki page:


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