On 10-05-2018 16:56, Valeriana wrote:
Hi Ole! Thanks for you help. I already checked this installation, but it didn't help me much. I am not using rpm, I am installing direct from the source code (configure, make and make install process). My question is: do I need these plugins on the computational nodes? Thanks in advance,

What you call "plugins" seems to be unrelated to Slurm, except for pam_slurm, so you don't "have to install" them. You should install just what your users requireon the compute nodes, probably some MPI libraries etc., but that's entirely dependent on what you want to accomplish.

I recommend to use RPMs on CentOS 7 rather than installing from the source.


I'm new to SLURM. I just installed  slurm-17.11.5.tar.bz2 source on a
Master server (CentOS 7 17.08) with the followings plugins:
DMTCP,Padb,Hostlist,Interactive Script,mpich, openmpi, Node Health
Check,PEStat,HDF5,pam_slurm,PMIx and sqlog. Munge is installed on a
server and nodes and seems to be working fine.

My question is: do I have to install all this plugins on nodes too or
only slurm source?

You may perhaps find some answers in my Slurm installation Wiki page:

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