
> Am 22.03.2019 um 16:20 schrieb Prentice Bisbal <pbis...@pppl.gov>:
> On 3/21/19 6:56 PM, Reuti wrote:
>> Am 21.03.2019 um 23:43 schrieb Prentice Bisbal:
>>> Slurm-users,
>>> My users here have developed a GUI application which serves as a GUI 
>>> interface to various physics codes they use. From this GUI, they can submit 
>>> jobs to Slurm. On Tuesday, we upgraded Slurm from 18.08.5-2 to 
>>> 18.08.6-2,and a user has reported a problem when submitting Slurm jobs 
>>> through this GUI app that do not occur when the same sbatch script is 
>>> submitted from sbatch on the command-line.
>>> […]
>>> When I replaced the mpirun command with an equivalent srun command, 
>>> everything works as desired, so the user can get back to work and be 
>>> productive.
>>> While srun is a suitable workaround, and is arguably the correct way to run 
>>> an MPI job, I'd like to understand what is going on here. Any idea what is 
>>> going wrong, or additional steps I can take to get more debug information?
>> Was an alias to `mpirun` introduced? It may cover the real application and 
>> even the `which mpirun` will return the correct value, but never be executed.
>> $ type mpirun
>> $ alias mpirun
>> may tell in the jobscript.
> Unfortunately, the script is in tcsh, so the 'type' command doesn't work 
> since,  it's a bash built-in function. I did use the 'alias' command to see 
> all the defined aliases, and mpirun and mpiexec are not aliased. Any other 
> ideas?

What was the outcome of this issue – could it be solved?

-- Reuti

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