I believe this is so that small jobs will naturally go on older, slower nodes 
first - leaving the bigger,better ones for jobs that actually need them.

Merlin Hartley
IT Support Engineer
MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, CB2 0XY
United Kingdom

> On 5 Sep 2019, at 16:48, Douglas Duckworth <dod2...@med.cornell.edu> wrote:
> Hello
> We added some newer Epyc nodes, with NVMe scratch, to our cluster and so want 
> jobs to run on these over others.  So we added "Weight=100" to the older 
> nodes and left the new ones blank.  So indeed, ceteris paribus, srun reveals 
> that the faster nodes will accept jobs over older ones.
> We have the desired outcome though I am a bit confused by two statements in 
> the manpage <https://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm.conf.html> that seem to be 
> contradictory:
> "All things being equal, jobs will be allocated the nodes with the lowest 
> weight which satisfies their requirements."
> "...larger weights should be assigned to nodes with more processors, memory, 
> disk space, higher processor speed, etc."
> 100 is larger than 1 and we do see jobs preferring the new nodes which have 
> the default weight of 1.  Yet we're also told to assign larger weights to 
> faster nodes?
> Thanks!
> Doug
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
> HPC System Administrator
> Scientific Computing Unit <https://scu.med.cornell.edu/>
> Weill Cornell Medicine"
> E: d...@med.cornell.edu <mailto:d...@med.cornell.edu>
> O: 212-746-6305
> F: 212-746-8690

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