Thanks Ole!

>From one of the threads you referred to: “People have come up with various 
>home grown solutions to save that data.” That’s my case too at the moment, I 
>currently have a daemon that extracts this data as it’s still live in scontrol 
>show jobs, and puts it in a separate database… Several other interesting 
>methods seem to exist, will look into them. Also hope it makes into one of 
>SchedMD’s upcoming feature enhancements!






Dr. Arthur Gilly

Head of Analytics

Institute of Translational Genomics

Helmholtz-Centre Munich (HMGU)



From: slurm-users <> On Behalf Of Ole Holm 
Sent: Monday, 14 June 2021 15:18
Subject: Re: [slurm-users] Information about finished jobs


On 6/14/21 9:33 AM, Arthur Gilly wrote:
> A related question, on my setup, scontrol show job displays the standard
> output, standard error redirections as well as the wd, whereas this info is
> lost after completion when sacct is required. Is this something that's
> configurable so that this info is preserved with sacct?

This seems to be a FAQ :-) Please read the list threads "How to get 
command from a finished job" and "Show detailed information from a 
finished job".

Answer: After job completion you can only ask for the information which is 
in the Slurm database. The "showjob" command does that for you.


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