On 11/24/23 09:31, Gestió Servidors wrote:
Some days ago, I started to configure a new server with SLURM 23.02.5. Yesterday, I read in this mailing list that version 23.11.0 was released, so today I have compiled this latest version. However, after starting slurmdbd (with a database upgrade), I have got problems with slurmctld, because of “select/cons_res” has dissapeard and, now, this parameter must be changed to “select_cons/tres”. If I change this, what is the impact in the system/cluster? What are the differences between “select_cons/res” and “select_cons/tres” if in newest versions it is mandatory to configure in this way?

In https://bugs.schedmd.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15470#c3 you can read:

When making a change from cons_res to cons_tres there isn't much you need to 
do.  These two select type plugins are very similar.  The difference being that 
the cons_tres plugin adds much more functionality related to GPUs.  If you're 
moving from cons_res to cons_tres there shouldn't be any effect on the running 
jobs.  If you were changing from cons_tres to cons_res and you had jobs on the 
system that used the new syntax that is available for GPUs, then you would run 
into problems.  For your reference, this is described in the documentation here:

This page shows the new options that are available when using the cons_tres 


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