Hi there!

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:24:44 +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
> This kernel should be fully functional: please report any problem after
> having checked if they are present with the very same kernel checkout
> compiled by Openmoko, which you can find at
>   http://pkg-fso.alioth.debian.org/tmp/kernel/

At that location, you can also find the very same kernel version for
GTA01, built by Openmoko.

> I removed the 2.6.24 kernel from the pkg-fso repository, since it is
> long deprecated upstream (both Openmoko and Linux) and anyway there is
> no manpower to keep supporting it.

I would also like to remove ASAP the 2.6.28 kernel, anyway at the end of
this month at last.

> The following steps in order of importance (but not necessarily in
> order of implementation):
> 1) merge upstream GTA02 .config into the Debian one

This was easy:


I also uploaded a new Debian kernel package to the pkg-fso repository.

> 2) build a GTA01 package

This means that the build time on agricola.d.o (a real ARM Debian
machine) will double to around 12 hours, thus I postponed it until point
4 and 5 are done.  Point 3 will be delayed as well, since it needs a
Debian GTA01 kernel.

> 3) start hunting GTA01/GTA02 differences (needed and not)
> 4) create a new modules-* binary package containing all extra (i.e. not
>    GTA*-specific) drivers.  This will reduce the linux-image-* package
>    size, obviously thinking about future installation on NAND...
> 5) build any driver not strictly needed to boot as module (e.g. battery)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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