I found it quite slow but still usable. YMMV.
I'd welcome any patch to the package to improve its usability.

no patch, i simply build navit with the options below added to the configure line in debian/rules (most notably the CCFLAGS, taken from the navit wiki).

CCFLAGS="-march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t" --enable-avoid-float --disable-garmin --disable-samplemap --disable-postgresql --disable-graphics-opengl --disable-graphics-win32 --disable-gui-win32 --disable-vehicle-demo --disable-vehicle-wince --disable-graphics-qt-qpainter --enable-graphics-gtk-drawing-area --disable-hildon --disable-speech-cmdline --disable-speech-speech-dispatcher --disable-vehicle-demo --disable-vehicle-wince --disable-vehicle-gypsy --enable-graphics-gd --disable-threads

debs at http://ginguppin.de/node/26 (need to create a new one these days). is there a way to benchmark both versions and to compare?

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