
after my "install from scratch" (reported here:
I can't get anything useful from GPS. This used to work without a
problem, so I exclude a possible hardware problem at the moment).

I did install the firmware update some time ago:

There is a thread on this list possibly describing the same problem
but no answer ([Debian] tangogps not work after update):

Searching around for a bit, I came across this:
Assuming that the description in there is still valid, trying to
talk to gps (while zhones gps thingie is running and thus GPS should
be active) goes like this:

  neo:~# cli-framework
  ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
org.freesmartphone.DBus was not provided by any .service files
  DBus Exception. dbus-hlid not installed
  DBus Exception. dbus-hlid not installed
  DBus Exception. dbus-hlid not installed
  ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on org.bluez:/:
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.bluez was
not provided by any .service files
  failed to connect to bluez
  freesmartphone.org interactive command line

I assume at this point, that dbus is working in principle (I can
make calls). So I request GPS and a position:

  >>> usageiface.RequestResource("GPS")
  >>> gpsposition.GetPosition()
  (0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

It takes a few seconds but does complete without error messages.
So it seems I can talk to the GPS hardware.

Going outside and starting the gps part of zhone I used to see the
lines "searching" change to "signal unusable" and "signal aquired"
within a minute or so. Now the lines do not change within say 10

booting into OM2009, running tangogps there will get a fix in less
than 10 minutes.

I decided to enable logging of frameworkd ...
Lots of lines like these:
2009.08.23 13:08:30 ogpsd    DEBUG    Discarded data not UBX '\n$GPGSA,'
2009.08.23 13:08:30 ogpsd    DEBUG    Discarded data not UBX
2009.08.23 13:08:30 ogpsd    DEBUG    Discarded data not UBX '99.99,99'
2009.08.23 13:08:30 ogpsd    DEBUG    Discarded data not UBX '.99,99.9'
2009.08.23 13:08:30 ogpsd    DEBUG    Discarded data not UBX

So it seems that ogpsd is expecting UBX data but is instead getting
NMEA data. So I changed /etc/frameworkd.conf
 # set 1 to disable a module
 disable = 0
 # possible options are NMEADevice, UBXDevice, GTA02Device, EtenDevice
-device = GTA02Device
+device = NMEADevice
 # possible options are SerialChannel, GllinChannel, UDPChannel,
 channel = SerialChannel
 # For UDPChannel the path defines the port to listen to
 path = /dev/ttySAC1

And presto: there comes the fix again.

So questions remain:
1. is the update to Moko11 firmware changing the behaviour?
2. is ogpsd not requesting UBX data correctly?
3. is this the way its supposed to be?
4. what exactly is introducing the change?
5. where should it be fixed?


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