On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:45:46AM +0200, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:

> > if in zhone I click on "Exit zhone", it shuts down the whole phone.
> Do you mean the phone as in telephony or the device as in shutting down?

In the menu where it allows to take a screenshot, there is a "Exit /
Stop and exit Zhone". If I click that, it's "The system is going down
for system halt NOW!" time.

> > This
> > also happens if I just run zhone from a terminal. I do not consider it
> > appropriate. Actually, I consider it a bit silly.
> Me too and this is the first time I heared of it.

Found, here:

    @edje.decorators.signal_callback( "mouse,clicked,1", "target_list_*" )
    def on_edje_signal_button_list_pressed( self, emission, source ):
        id = int( source.split( "_" )[-1] )
        if( id == 5 ):

Changing 'os.system("halt")' into 'gui.shutdown()' makes it do what we
would all expect.



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