I have run the install.sh script to install debian on my Neo 1973, however, the phone will not boot into debian. I have installed Qi as the bootloader, and run each section of the install script manually. There is one "fail" message, in the cleanup section, with the message:
"Can't start Hardware abstraction layer-please ensure dbus is running"

After the install:
At the prompt r...@om-gta01, I did the following:
chroot /media/card
cd boot

and put the uImage-GTA01.bin kernel in /boot, (which is the same kernel in the flash).
I also tried re-naming the file to uImage-GTA02.bin, to no avail.

It doesn't even seem to try to boot from the SD card. When I hold the power button down, to try and get a verbose boot, the only thing I see is:
s3c2410 debugfs dir creation failed -19

then, a blinking cursor, and then, the Enlightenment splash screen.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thank you,


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