On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 01:00:45AM +0100, Bram Neijt wrote:
> Dear list members,
> Last time I tried anything with my OpenMoko phone was about 5 months
> ago. None of the distributions where able to make phone calls reliable
> (most common problem being the phone going to sleep during a call), and
> general usage (adding contacts etc) was terrible.
> As I read it, Om2009 is dead (was a terrible interface anyway) and now
> the main development is going into enlightenment? I also read that the
> freedesktop deamon is going to be used to keep power usage down? I'm not
> sure how to use the power it has yet, but that seems good.
> Anyway, I am now wondering how Debian is doing on the openmoko. Anybody
> working on the interface or would installing Debian still leave me with
> the FreeDesktop testing application? ("zhone" ?)
> Generally my question would be: how is it going, anybody still working
> on the OpenMoko hardware?
> Greets,
>   Bram


We're still on it. I think you mixed up FreeDesktop and FSO aka
Freesmartphone :) In Debian you can currently install either zhone
or SHR. But SHR is quite a mess, because it's an deprecated version
of the software. I'm the maintainer of those package, but updating
to a more recent version is blocked until e17 packages in Debian
are updated.

> I also read that the freedesktop deamon is going to be used to keep
> power usage down?

I don't know where you heard something like this, but in FSO they
are currently moving from one big Python script to one binary for
each service. This code is more efficient (no interpreting!) and
thus less CPU time is needed for the same thing. This may save
a bit power, but more importantly it's faster :)

-- Sebastian

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