You probably went over quota because last week I realized you were on
individual mail on both the archive and the main list, so you got two of
everything.  I fixed that , but you probably had several weeks of dupes.

a) You can have Atlanta...I haven't lost anything there ;)
b) Weddings are fun...except when you have to help out!
c)  Good...keep that okra all for yourself.  This is one case where being
greedy is a good thing ;)

d)  Sorry you've been sick.  

e)  I just don't know what to say... lol

Charles Mims

-----Original Message-----

Hi everyone -

Seems like it has been quite an interesting time in the 'box while I was 
out - life has been a bit interesting here too for the moment. 
Unfortunately, I ended up way over quota and had to delete most of my 
mail :( I have been poking at today's mail and found this - more on it 

In the last month, I have a. been in Atlanta for two weeks

b. help out with my SIL's wedding in Chicago for a few days

c. planned (in three days due to b - soooo proud of myself for pulling 
it off) and taught a cooking class - will forward recipes later. No okra 
this time - I promise! :)

d. was sick for a little over a week - still recovering

e. taken over the AR duties as well as my customer service/tech support 
stuff for the company. Unfortunately, the person who had been "doing" it 
is (bless her heart) poor at organizing the financial paperwork as well 
as herself and equally poor at completing such boring tasks as actually 
entering payments received into the computer. It is the end of the 
quarter and we need to file our financial statements with the financial 
information listed on the BACKS OF ENVELOPES!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't make 
this up. Best yet, we can't fire her because she is the founder's wife 
and has never done any financial anything before and doesn't want to 
follow my suggestions because they're too much work. *sigh* Next week, I 
get to go and clean up the mess.



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