That isnt what I said. The husband should be held accountable too. What I said is in a real life scenario, if it was your sister or a close friend or relative, its easy to say you wouldnt blame them also, but when it actually happens, you would hold her accountable also. I never said not blame the husband at all. I have yet to say in any of my posts on this subject that the husband isnt responsible too. And for the record, I have been through this. My husband cheated on me with someone I thought was a friend. I wasnt *desperate* to hold onto him and I dont consider myself pathetic. He was held accountable as was the *friend* he had the affair with. They were both just equally guilty. Him for saying yes and her for even trying in the first place. I'm still married to him and things are going great. I dont even speak to that so called friend anymore.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Pick one (immorality glamorized)

In a message dated 9/27/2003 3:52:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Unfortunatly it is easy to say you wouldnt hold her responsible, but in real life scenarios things go a little different than how you think. As much as you say you wouldnt hold her responsible, there is a good chance that if that situation actually ever happened (not saying it would) you would hold her somewhat accountable for trying to seduce your husband.

well i would hope that i wouldnt be so desperate that i thought i couldnt do any better then a cheater that id blame the girl and not the guy who cheated on me.  I realize theres desperate pathetic women out there who think they cant get anyone so they choose to stay with cheating men and absolve their decision by saying the other woman made him  or that they were at fault for his lack of responsibility to say no.   i like myself better then that

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