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Title: Insider Report

Sept. 27, 2003

Insider Report from NewsMax.com

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Hurray: Islamic Jihad Declares War on ... Itself
2. Democrat Rep. Ike Skelton Exposes Media
3. Dalai Lama Meets 'Empty' Al Sharpton
4. We Hear: Rove, Libya, Klayman, Morgan Brittany
5. Michael Reagan Gives Report on President Reagan

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1. Hurray: Islamic Jihad Declares War on ... Itself

Who says there isn't any good news to report? The Iranian-backed terrorist group Islamic Jihad is being wracked by the worst crisis in its 25-year history.

Palestinian sources said the crisis in the "holy" war stemmed from a leadership reshuffle ordered by Iran, Middle East Newsline reports. A shortage of money for terrorists and supporters has exacerbated the resulting infighting, the sources said.

The crisis has led to the resignation of the "spiritual" leader of Jihad, Sheik Abdullah Shami. The 50-year-old resigned from the terrorists' consultative council in protest of a decision to usurp his authority.

"I have decided to resign quietly from the movement in bitterness and pain with hope that the movement will overcome its internal failure," Shami whined in his resignation letter.

2. Another Democrat Exposes Media's Leftist Bias

One of the most interesting stories NewsMax reported in the last week: Rep. Jim Marshall, D-Ga., denouncing the media establishment's leftist anti-U.S. bias in reporting the war in Iraq, which he said was endangering the troops' lives.

It turns out Marshall isn't the only one in his party voicing these concerns.

After returning from Baghdad, Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., said: "The media stresses the wounds, the injuries, and the deaths, as they should, but for instance in northern Iraq, Gen. [Dave] Petraeus has 3,100 projects from soccer fields to schools to refineries, all good stuff, and that isn't being reported."

We said it before, and we'll say it again: We're glad not all Dems are like Rep. "Baghdad" Jim McDermott, Sen. Patty "Osama Mama" Murray and "Loony" Cynthia McKinney.

3. Dalai Lama Meets 'Empty' Al Sharpton

A highlight of the week: a meeting of one of the world's most unlikely odd couples. Al Sharpton chatted up the Dalai Lama.

The meeting almost didn't happen. The Tibet holy man's staff fumed while Big Al kept everyone waiting at a gathering of peaceniks in Manhattan. He finally strolled in and was falsely greeted as "Mr. President" by rap bigwig Russell Simmons, whose presence only made the event even stranger.

The New York Times fretted that the "mellow" crowd "could have been hostile to Mr. Sharpton, and as every minute ticked by, he seemed to be losing any chance to win them over."

The Dalai Lama said he thought Americans sometimes behave childishly, "especially politicians making empty slogans."

"Then, with a shrug and a golly-gee smile, he said, 'Sorry.'"

Editor's Note: In case you missed NewsMax Magazine's special report on Al Sharpton and his feud with Hillary - Click Here Now.

4. We Hear: Rove, Libya, Klayman, Morgan Brittany

NewsMax hears that one person who just wishes the U.S. was not occupying Iraq is - Karl Rove. Washington source says Rove is horrified by the President's public support eroding over the Iraq occupation.

The U.S. is making up with Libya's Khadafy after he agreed to pay $2.7 billion for blowing up Pan Am 103.

Typically, money can't make restitution for an act of war. But one of our moles says that since the mid-'90s, Khadafy has been assisting the U.S. and working with the CIA to fight Muslim terror. Khadafy, no fundamentalist, fears the Islamacists as well.

Many people were surprised that Judicial Watch chairman and founder Larry Klayman left his organization to run for the Senate seat in Florida to replace Bob Graham.

Larry tells friends his intention is to set up a Judicial Watch-style office in the Senate.

One person who likes the idea of Senator Klayman is actress and former Dallas star Morgan Brittany, who is joining Larry at his kickoff fundraising cocktail reception.

5. Michael Reagan Gives Report on President Reagan

NewsMax has a special guest for its Off the Record Club - Michael Reagan.

Mike Reagan is one of the best-informed people in America - from Los Angeles to Washington, Mike has the scoop.

Mike offers NewsMax readers his insights on the California recall race - revealing what Republicans and Hollywood really think of Arnold.

Most interesting and touching for us all, Mike also offers some personal revelations about his dad's courage, who at 92 is still suffering from Alzheimer's.

Mike tells some fascinating stories that will no doubt become part of Reagan lore - such as his father's call to him on the day of the New Hampshire primary in 1980 or his amazing "real worry" after he was shot by John Hinckley.

Check out "Off the Record with Michael Reagan" - Click Here Now.

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