(In a point of view of Charles)
*It was one of those rainy days ya know, back in the 1940's when i was a private eye detective. Yeah the job was real tough man! Back then you couldn't turn your back on anyone without suspecting them for whatever ya know? specially since my partner Det.  David died at a night club one nite.
*I remember like it was yesturday....
*After a night of solving a case we decided to celebrate*
I know this great place downtown *says David* its got dancing girls, booze and did i mention tons of entertainment if ya know what i mean! yeah!
*So weees decided to go to this place. When we got there the line to get in was long but since David knew the bodyguard we got in quickly. The place was bouncin. We sat down and ordered two drinks and were talking about the day when we were interupted by the anouncer on stage*
*all the guys in the audience were clapping maniacly and some of them went up close to get a better view. Miss Jackie came out in a red hot short dress and a feather boa. She starts to do her number*
*Something about her reminded me of something... like i knew her from somewhere...
David! thats Curley's sister! *I said to David*
who?! *wonders David*
The one that we killed earlier today! *I said almost panicking* We better get out of here!
Charles! Baby! *says david laughing* relax have another drink!
*I couldnt relax i knew something bad was going to i excused myself to the bathroom and left David to his googling. I didnt get as far as a foot in when i heard from on stage a little scuffle*
HEY YOUR THE SON OF A BITCH THAT KILLED MY BROTHER! *yells Jackie* KILL THIS WILL YA! *Jackie gets out her gun from her leg strap and fires 3 shots at David*
*the crowd starts screaming and running away leaving David on the floor. I come up running to David seeing if he was ok*
It was worth it! *says David under his last gasp for air* I regret nothing.....
*Later that night the cops arrested Jackie but mistakenly took her to a all male jail cells... nobody seemed to mind. They even let her do a couple shows a month.*
*and me, now retired in Miami I always look back and think of different ways to end that night....
the end...
bleeeh! this one sucked too LoL
-------Original Message-------
Date: Saturday, October 04, 2003 04:31:45 PM
Subject: [Sndbox] Alright..
Hey Huggy, why should Jen, Stephi and I get to have all the fun? Create a fictional past for these 3: Jackie, the Rev, and David. lol
Greg Hopper
"Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in
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