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NewsMax MagazineO'Reilly Topples Franken on NY Times Best-Seller List


A Breaking News Report from NewsMax.com

Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly has deposed Bill and Hillary's media attack dog Al Franken from the top spot on the New York Times best-seller list, with the TV talker's new book Who's Looking Out for You? set to take over the No. 1 slot on Oct. 12.

Check out NewsMax's FREE offer for this book - Click Here Now.

O'Reilly's critics were gloating over the fact that Franken's book attacking Fox News and other conservatives had risen to No. 1, where it stayed for five weeks. But now it's O'Reilly's turn to gloat.

As NewsMax reported last week, the Fox host's book contains much more than sage advice on how to stay out of trouble. Other details include O'Reilly's account of his showdown with Bill Clinton and a telephone call from Al Gore, where the then-Democratic Party 2004 presidential front-runner said he was considering appearing on "The Factor."

Then there's O'Reilly's revelation that he was audited by the Clinton IRS three years in a row - part of a lengthy pattern of governmental abuse that made Richard Nixon's Watergate look like child's play.

On being targeted by the Clintons' tax gestapo, O'Reilly counseled that while he could fight back with his daily radio and TV broadcasts, the average guy should "never, ever go up against any government official alone. They can and will hurt you."

Get Bill O'Reilly's No. 1 New York Times best-seller Who's Looking Out for You? at NewsMax.com's store.

Also check out our FREE OFFER Click Here Now.


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