Fresh Prince for President?
Will Smith ponders a White House run. Plus, Jack Black ain't crazy

by BeatBoxBetty

Jumping on the celebrity political bandwagon, Will Smith seems to think he could be the very first black president if he decided to go after the top spot in our country's government.

People laugh, but if I set my mind to it, within the next 15 years I would be president," the 35-year-old actor recently told reporters. "I have specific attitudes about things that are really important to a lot of people. I feel like I'd be a good president."

While the "Bad Boy II" star supports fellow thespian Arnold Schwarzenegger for governor of California, he himself has a long way to go politically. And there's still no word yet from his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, on whether she's willing to be the first African American first lady.

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