Tiger to Remain at Mirage Casino Habitat
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LAS VEGAS - The tiger that mauled magician Roy Horn of the "Siegfried and Roy" duo will be released from quarantine Tuesday and will continue to live at an animal habitat at the Mirage hotel-casino, officials said.

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Slideshow Slideshow: 'Siegfried & Roy' Magician Mauled by Tiger

AP Video Doctor: Roy Recovering From Tiger Attack
(AP Video)

The 600-pound white tiger named Montecore has been in isolation since the Oct. 3 attack to make sure it didn't have rabies.

Horn remained in critical condition Monday. University Medical Hospital officials said Horn, 59, was improving after two surgeries, massive blood loss and a stroke he suffered after the attack.

MGM Mirage spokesman Alan Feldman has said Horn gave the cat a command during the Oct. 3 show. The animal did not obey, and suddenly grabbed the performer's arm with its mouth in a moment of confusion.

Feldman said Horn fell down and the tiger went for his throat. The tiger dragged Horn off stage. Show employees had to use fire extinguishers to get the animal to release Horn, who was bleeding profusely, Feldman said. The tiger then retreated to its transport box, Feldman said.

Immediately after the bloody attack, Horn reportedly said: "Don't harm the cat."

Feldman said Horn has never been bitten in the show, which is closed after more than 5,500 performances. More than 200 show employees have been laid off.

On Saturday, members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals held a rally outside The Mirage hotel-casino to urge the duo to retire their animals.

The "Siegfried & Roy" show debuted at The Mirage in 1990, and the duo signed a lifetime contract in 2001.

The act was one of the most successful and lucrative in Las Vegas, attracting about 400,000 a people a year and earning the casino about $44 million in annual revenue.


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