Alternative Uses for Cool Whip (reprinted from the book 

"Clean Your Clothes with Cheez Whiz" by Joey Green):

. Shine your shoes.  Use a tablespoon of Cool Whip on your 

leather shoes and shine.

. Soothe sunburn pain.  Spread Cool Whip on the sunburn, 

let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse clean with lukewarm water.

. Thaw frozen fish.  Place the frozen fish in a pan and cover 

with Cool Whip.  The desert topping eliminates the frozen 

taste, returning the fresh quat flavor.

. Condition your hair.  Apply one-half cup Cool Whip to 

dry, hair once a week as a conditioner.  Leave on for thirty 

minutes, then rinse a few times before shampooing 


. Soothe the burn on the roof of your mouth from hot pizza. 

 Fill your mouth with Cool Whip to coat the lesion.

. Clean plant leaves.  Using a soft cloth, wipe Cool Whip 

on the leaves.

. Give yourself a moisturizing facial.  Cool Whip helps 

moisten dry skin when applied as a face mask.  Wait twenty 

minutes, then wash it off with warm water followed by cold 


. Lighten coffee.  Use a tablespoon of Cool Whip as a 

substitute for milk or cream in a cup of coffee.

. Help heal a cold sore.  Place a compress of Cool Whip on 

the cold sore to speed healing, then rinse with cool water.

. Remove make-up. Wet face with lukewarm water, spread 

a handful of Cool Whip on face, rinse clean with lukewarm 

water, and blot dry.

. Clean silver.  Mix two cups Cool Whip, and one 

tablespoon Heinz White Vinegar or ReaLemon lemon juice.  

Let silver stand overnight in mixture, then rinse clean and 

dry thoroughly.

. Treat minor burns.  Rub Cool Whip into the burn.  Let it 

set for fifteen minutes, then wash off with cool water.

. Shave.  Apply Cool Whip to wet skin as a substitute for 

shaving cream.

. Store leftovers.  Use empty Cool Whip canisters as a 

substitute for Tupperware. 

. Mix paints.  Use empty Cool Whip canisters to mix and 

store paints.

. Store game pieces.  Never lose dice, cards, playing pieces, 

and small toys again.

. Store crayons.  Keep crayons in an empty Cool Whip 


. Store screws, nuts, and bolts.  Use empty Cool Whip 

canisters in the workshop to hold loose screws, bolts, nuts, 

nails, drill bits, and spare parts.

. Store crafts.  Organize ribbons, beads, glues, strings in 

empty Cool Whip canisters.

. Improve marital relations.  Give new meaning to the 

phrase "desert topping."


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