who'd a thunk??? Oh..I am going to polish my shoes
with cool whip...might look great..but they attract
ants like crazy.

--- Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alternative Uses for Cool Whip (reprinted from the
> book 
> "Clean Your Clothes with Cheez Whiz" by Joey Green):
> . Shine your shoes.  Use a tablespoon of Cool Whip
> on your 
> leather shoes and shine.
> . Soothe sunburn pain.  Spread Cool Whip on the
> sunburn, 
> let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse clean with
> lukewarm water.
> . Thaw frozen fish.  Place the frozen fish in a pan
> and cover 
> with Cool Whip.  The desert topping eliminates the
> frozen 
> taste, returning the fresh quat flavor.
> . Condition your hair.  Apply one-half cup Cool Whip
> to 
> dry, hair once a week as a conditioner.  Leave on
> for thirty 
> minutes, then rinse a few times before shampooing 
> thoroughly.
> . Soothe the burn on the roof of your mouth from hot
> pizza. 
>  Fill your mouth with Cool Whip to coat the lesion.
> . Clean plant leaves.  Using a soft cloth, wipe Cool
> Whip 
> on the leaves.
> . Give yourself a moisturizing facial.  Cool Whip
> helps 
> moisten dry skin when applied as a face mask.  Wait
> twenty 
> minutes, then wash it off with warm water followed
> by cold 
> water.
> . Lighten coffee.  Use a tablespoon of Cool Whip as
> a 
> substitute for milk or cream in a cup of coffee.
> . Help heal a cold sore.  Place a compress of Cool
> Whip on 
> the cold sore to speed healing, then rinse with cool
> water.
> . Remove make-up. Wet face with lukewarm water,
> spread 
> a handful of Cool Whip on face, rinse clean with
> lukewarm 
> water, and blot dry.
> . Clean silver.  Mix two cups Cool Whip, and one 
> tablespoon Heinz White Vinegar or ReaLemon lemon
> juice.  
> Let silver stand overnight in mixture, then rinse
> clean and 
> dry thoroughly.
> . Treat minor burns.  Rub Cool Whip into the burn. 
> Let it 
> set for fifteen minutes, then wash off with cool
> water.
> . Shave.  Apply Cool Whip to wet skin as a
> substitute for 
> shaving cream.
> . Store leftovers.  Use empty Cool Whip canisters as
> a 
> substitute for Tupperware. 
> . Mix paints.  Use empty Cool Whip canisters to mix
> and 
> store paints.
> . Store game pieces.  Never lose dice, cards,
> playing pieces, 
> and small toys again.
> . Store crayons.  Keep crayons in an empty Cool Whip
> canister.
> . Store screws, nuts, and bolts.  Use empty Cool
> Whip 
> canisters in the workshop to hold loose screws,
> bolts, nuts, 
> nails, drill bits, and spare parts.
> . Store crafts.  Organize ribbons, beads, glues,
> strings in 
> empty Cool Whip canisters.
> . Improve marital relations.  Give new meaning to
> the 
> phrase "desert topping."
> ________________________________
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I wanted a perfect ending... Now, I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't 
rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about 
not knowing, having to change, taking the moment, and making the best of it, without 
knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity. 
--Gilda Radner

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