This really sickens me.  I can't stand how the UN and it's member nations are pawns for the Arab cause.

David L.

Ben Franklin:  “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt, they have more need of masters.”

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 6:43 PM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'
Subject: [Sndbox] Israel and the real enemy to peace

Israel and the real enemy to peace

Posted: October 10, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003

This week, following a deadly suicide-bombing attack, Israel decided to focus its retaliatory strike at the source of the terror. Israeli Defense Forces bombed what they claim was a terrorist training camp near Damascus.

The camp was empty, and nobody was killed. The only damage was property damage to a camp that the Syrians claim had long since been abandoned. The Israeli cabinet was told by its intelligence services that the camp was empty because the forces training there were out on maneuvers, but it doesn't make much difference.

The central points to remember are these: 1) the camp belonged the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, as they admitted; 2) no other targets, either military or civilian were targeted or struck; and, 3) nobody was killed.

The raid was ordered by Vice Prime Minister Ehud Olmert after a family restaurant was targeted by a Palestinian suicide-bomber during a Jewish religious celebration. Twenty-three people were killed, and 40 others were wounded. Among the dead were four children – three of them toddlers – five Israeli-Arabs, and two entire Jewish families were wiped from the earth. It is reported that the bomber, a Palestinian woman and a lawyer, actually embraced a baby carriage just before detonating her deadly payload.

It is important to keep in mind the 40 who were "wounded." I can't stress often enough what "wounded" means in the context of a suicide bombing in a crowded place like a restaurant. First comes the flash fire of the explosion at several thousand degrees Fahrenheit. Out of that burning hell flies thousands of nuts, bolts, nails and jagged pieces of metal – each one traveling with the velocity of a bullet. Those on the edges of the kill zone – the wounded – are maimed for life. Israeli hospitals are filled with people in comas, on life support, or permanently disabled.

Imagine someone losing both arms, both legs, their eyesight and being burned beyond recognition, but somehow still alive. That is often what it means to be listed as "wounded" in a suicide-bombing attack.

The IDF attack did not target civilians, did no collateral damage, and was surgically precise. The Syrians promptly demanded (and just as promptly got) an emergency meeting with the United Nations Security Council where the Syrians demanded a resolution condemning Israel.

Had not the United States threatened a veto, Syria would have gotten one, too. The United Nations had not one word of condemnation for the attack on Israeli families having dinner in a restaurant. Not a word about the three dead babies, the bomber's dying act of hatred by pulling a baby carriage to her bosom before setting off her explosives, not a word about the 103 suicide bombings carried out against mostly Israeli women and children since Arafat ordered the rebellion in September 2000.

In fact, that was the reason U.N. Ambassador John Negroponte gave for squashing the resolution under the threatened weight of the U.S. veto. Not a word about Israel's suffering – just an angry resolution condemning Israel for targeting and blowing up an empty terrorist training camp. Even the PFLP admitted it was a training camp – they just said it was abandoned.

But apart from the United States, the global body was unanimous in its condemnation, with everyone from the secretary-general of the United Nations to China and Russia chiming in.

Statements were also made by the representatives of China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Guinea, Mexico, Angola, Chile, Germany, Pakistan and Spain condemning Israel, but having no words of condemnation for the terror attacks or the nations who support them.

What was fascinating was the speed with which the world body jumped to condemn the Israelis.

No investigation – not one of the diplomats calling for Israeli blood had been to the scene to determine if it were a terrorist camp or not, just the word of Bashar al Assad. But why would anybody want proof when their mind is made up in advance? The U.N. diplomats didn't need proof to pass the resolution, they only needed an excuse. An empty camp out in the middle of a desert isn't much of an excuse, but it was enough for them.

Just like they didn't need proof in Iraq. The United Nations' default position then, as now, is that the dictator must be telling the truth and the representative democracy must be lying, unless meticulously proven beyond doubt. In that case, the United Nations' position is that they failed to catch the democracies in that particular lie, not that the dictator deserved the spanking he got.

The Security Council members know that Syria supports terrorism. At least 10 Islamic terror groups have offices and headquarters in Syria and are listed openly by name in the Damascus telephone book. But only the U.S. veto prevented them from condemning Israel.

Syria's foreign minister told the United Nations today that if Israel blows up any more deserted Syrian camps in retaliation for murdered women and children, it will take the fight to Israel.

After three years of being attacked by brainwashed teen-aged Palestinian zombies, the Israelis would like to have a real target to vent their fury on. It would be a very short fight.

Charles Mims

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