I for one would like to ban that farting in public
thing....I hate standing in line and having someone
else stink up the place with their burrito farts.

--- Stephanie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *giggle* do you really feel that way Gary?
> Stephi 
> -------Original Message-------
> From: The Sandbox Discussion List
> Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 3:52:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Pledge
> In a message dated 10/14/03 1:48:47 PM Eastern
> Daylight Time,
> Supreme Court to Decide Pledge Case 
> 11 minutes ago
> This is becoming so completely just a bunch of s**t.
>  I never say much as
> you all know, but this is getting on my last nerve. 
> Next it will be that
> you can't even say the word "God" in a public place.
>  Dammit all, what are
> these guys thinking!!!  I'm just really steamed, so
> just bare with me!  
> OK, I've got it!!  I think it is high time that
> farting in public be banned,
> especially during Christmas shopping when lines are
> long and you have to
> tough it out because you don't want to get in
> another line!!!  Not only is
> it toxic and very flammable, but against the clean
> air statutes I would
> imagine!
> I just can't imagine the Supreme Court ever ruling
> against the "Pledge of
> Allegiance"!!!  How I wish our forefathers could
> come back to life and
> defend our constitution and what it stands for.  If
> they rule against it,
> God help us!!  Oh, next the word, God, won't be
> allowed here!!!  Sorry, just
> really p***ed right now.  
> Gary
>  > ________________________________
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I wanted a perfect ending... Now, I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't 
rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about 
not knowing, having to change, taking the moment, and making the best of it, without 
knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity. 
--Gilda Radner

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