She is not much different than Hanoi Jane...

--- Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Were Hillary's Words Treasonous? 
> Geoff Metcalf
> Monday, Dec. 1, 2003 
> Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For
> if it prosper, none dare
> call it Treason. - Sir John Harington 
> The Thanksgiving Day presidential visit to the
> troops in Baghdad was a
> brilliant finesse. Although the mean-spirited,
> petty, partisan assaults were
> inevitable, the scope of the whining is still
> flummoxing. 
> Howard Kurtz (from the Washington Post) had a hissy
> fit over the president
> lying to the press. (See: Media Gripes:
> Bush Lied About
> Iraq Troop Visit.) 
> Huh? The "lie" was a function of security that any
> reasonable person can
> understand. The myriad of other presidential lies
> should bother Kurtz more -
> such as those concerning the sinking of the
> Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, James
> Forestall, the JFK assassination, Vince Foster, Waco
> and the Branch Davidian
> mess, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, TWA Flight 800,
> Area 51, Bill Clinton et
> al. 
> Hey, prior to the Mogadishu disaster, official
> policy was to deny (lie
> about) the existence of Delta Force. 
> Lady Macbeth (Sen. Hillary Clinton) was apparently
> miffed over her
> Afghanistan/Iraq sojourn with Sen. Jack Reed being
> overshadowed by the
> President's Baghdad lunch. The result of which,
> apparently, has compelled
> her to provide aid and comfort to the enemy as
> payback. 
> Hillary actually told our troops that "the outcome
> [of the war] is not
> assured," and her comment that we "must stay the
> course" in both Afghanistan
> and Iraq is insufficient mitigation for her other
> egregious comments. 
> Some have argued that the two Democrat senators
> actually provided AID &
> COMFORT to the ENEMY. It is arguable how significant
> the intelligence they
> offered was ... lawyers can (and probably will)
> argue whether it is
> criminal. 
> According to Section 2381 of U.S. Code Title 18,
> "Whoever, owing allegiance
> to the United States, levies war against them or
> adheres to their enemies,
> giving them aid and comfort within the United States
> or elsewhere, is guilty
> of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be
> imprisoned not less than five
> years and fined under this title but not less than
> $10,000; and shall be
> incapable of holding any office under the United
> States."
> html] 
> Demoralizing American troops and encouraging enemies
> to continue the battle
> is not what U.S. senators ought to be doing. Telling
> our armed forces in a
> combat zone, "... there are many questions at home
> about the
> administration's policies," should qualify for a
> 'walk to the woodshed'.
> That 'Congressional Immunity' policy only works for
> dumb stuff said on the
> floor of Congress. 
> Al Jazeera was obviously jazzed by her rhetoric.
> .htm] 
> *     She said more troops, preferably an international
> force, were needed
> in both Iraq and Afghanistan. 
> *     "We are fighting an enemy which has a lot of
> impact by relatively
> small numbers and we've got to provide security
> throughout large countries.
> That's not easy with the force numbers that we
> have." 
> Will someone please slap her? 
> Telling the bad guys they are being effective
> because they have "a lot of
> impact by relatively small numbers" is monumentally
> foolish. 
> Sen. Reed said the U.S. forces in Iraq and
> Afghanistan had critical
> shortages of specialized troops such as military
> police, civil affairs and
> psychological operations troops. Shame on you, Jack!
> YOU ought to know
> better (Reed was an Army officer). 
> The morale of the troops, Clinton said, "is very
> high," but she said the
> military personnel with whom she spoke in meetings
> and during "two turkey
> dinners" wanted to know "how the people at home feel
> about what we are
> doing." 
> "Americans are wholeheartedly proud of what you are
> doing, " Clinton said
> she replied, "but there are many questions at home
> about the [Bush]
> administration's policies." 
> Both Clinton and Reed claim the expense and
> political weight in
> administering Iraq would be made easier with the
> U.N.'s imprimatur of
> legitimacy and U.N. help in transferring power to
> Iraqis. 
> "I'm a big believer that we ought to
> internationalize this, but it will take
> a big change in our administration's thinking," the
> former first lady said.
> "I don't see that it's forthcoming." 
> You damnbetcha it's not forthcoming. Unlike the
> previous "co-presidents,"
> this president understands the lessons learned from
> Bosnia, Rwanda,
> Mogadishu and the serial terrorist attacks President
> Clinton responded to
> with only bluster. THIS president is a leader who
> understands the imperative
> of "Lead, follow or get out of the way." 
> The 'United Nothing' is a dysfunctional bureaucratic
> accident waiting to
> happen. It has proven itself to be the
> personification of incompetence and
> corruption. 
> Albert Camus once observed, "Integrity has no need
> of rules." The converse
> is also true: The degree of integrity is inversely
> proportional to the
> number and complexities of rules and bureaucracy.
> Charles Mims
> <> 
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And now I'm glad I didn't know 
The way it all would end 
the way it all would go 
Our lives are better left to chance 
I could have missed the pain 
But I'd of had to miss the dance.

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