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Schwarzenegger 'Terminated' Politics, NewsMax Magazine Reveals
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NewsMax Magazine

NewsMax Magazine Special Report

NewsMax Magazine’s December issue featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger is hitting newsstands across the country (including many Wal-Marts and Barnes & Noble bookstores) – and it offers a shocking analysis of Schwarzenegger’s triumph in California and of the 2004 elections.

It's also available with our FREE offer - Click Here Now.

In the exclusive cover story, "Terminated,” written by Dick Morris, we reveal:

  • How Schwarzenegger’s victory is a major blow to Bill and Hillary Clinton – and could even have thwarted Sen. Clinton’s planned presidential bid in 2004.

  • The startling effect on the Religious Right, and why Morris believes Republicans could be swept from power in the coming years.

  • The effect of Schwarzenegger’s victory on the presidential election, and whether President Bush can win California in 2004.

  • The lessons from other GOP wins in such liberal states as Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

  • The results of conservative opposition to, and Democrat pandering to, illegal aliens.

  • Why Schwarzenegger could never have won in a regular election.

  • How Schwarzenegger’s sex scandals and their aftermath have changed politics forever.

  • Why scandal is no longer the motivating force in American politics … and what is.

  • How loyalists can sabotage their own party.

  • The implications of Internet politics for the next century.

  • The mixed news for those who oppose big government.

  • The Democrats’ disastrous mistakes, and the bullets the GOP must dodge.

    And that’s just the cover story. You can get a copy of our special Arnold Schwarzenegger "Terminated" edition by Clicking Here.

    The December issue of NewsMax Magazine also reveals:

  • Who wants Rush Limbaugh to get cancer and die; we reveal the names of those supporting Rush and those stabbing him in the back.

  • Who will likely succeed John Paul II as pope. NewsMax has the likely candidate – and the choice could stun you and the rest of the world.

  • Why liberal commentator Alan Colmes admits that NewsMax has done the most damage to Bill Clinton’s legacy, and why Colmes opposes leftist attacks on Rush Limbaugh.

  • An exclusive interview with comedian David Brenner, who’s not the typical P.C. celeb.

  • How lawyers are cashing in on the Catholic Church’s scandals.

  • A surprising look at the hazards of the adoption industry.

  • Sickening new ways that American bureaucrats are betraying their own country to abet illegal aliens.

  • The inside story on how media giant Viacom failed in its attack on Ronald and Nancy Reagan.

  • The remarkable innovations of Dean Kamen, inventor of the revolutionary Segway Human Transporter.

  • Why Rudy Giuliani says his nemesis Hillary Clinton could beat President Bush in 2004 and why she poses a great danger.

  • The full details of Sean Hannity’s verbal showdown with Teddy Kennedy – and why Teddy is terrified he’ll have to meet up with the Fox News star.

  • The secrets on how to survive the next bear market.

  • Which one of America’s most radical universities is letting in students too stupid to tie their own shoelaces.

  • Who is secretly spying on your computer, and what actions you can take to stop this.

  • The appalling lack of ethics among China’s mad scientists, and the bizarre projects they’re working on.

  • The new war on short people.

  • What you need to know if you’re buying medicine from Canada.

  • And, as always each month in NewsMax Magazine, your favorite columnists, including Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, Christopher Ruddy, Ed Koch and Bill O’Reilly.

    Get this special "Terminated" edition FREE with NewsMax Magazine today: Click Here Now.

    Even better, sign up today and get $50 worth of FREE books, plus the special Arnold Schwarzenegger cover story, “Terminated,” written by Dick Morris: Click Here Now.

    These books make great Christmas gifts!

    If you are already a subscriber, renew early, get all remaining issues due you – plus the FREE books. Click Here Now.


    For information on advertising at NewsMax.com please contact Corrine McNurlin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 888-766-7542.


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