The prequel concept was a bad idea in the first place.  Most long time fans
insisted that before it began.  I can live with the updated plastics and
electronics in the prequel, because to use props that look like they
pre-dated TOS would be so cheesy it wouldn't be watchable.

What the original, and more so TNG, had that Enterprise is lacking is good
writing.  These are the same writers that ruined Voyager, and they aren't
any better.  There is some acting talent (raw thought it is except for
Bakula) on the show, but they don't have any lines worth repeating.  Star
Trek needs a new executive producer if it's going to continue.

Charles Mims

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Bill Rickard
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 10:30 PM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] "Enterprise" Season Trimmed

Why is it that the original Enterprise was made out of pie plates and toilet
paper tubes and the present version gets all the latest in plastics and
electronics? It seems the only problems the new guys have are those damned
green blooded Vulcans.

IMHO I think the original had better effects, especially the sound effects.

Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a forklift.

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