HOW DO YOU DEFINE LOSER? Oregon state minimum-security prison inmate

Jason Hayes, 29, was doing his assigned job when he noticed the guards

were looking the other way. "He just walked," a prison spokeswoman

says, making an escape. After walking for half an hour he passed by the

state Department of Corrections headquarters building in Salem. As it

happened, a DoC employee was getting into her car and noticed his

prison uniform. Her job: chasing down escaped fugitives. She confronted

Hayes and he ran, jumping over a barbed-wire-topped fence -- landing in

the middle of a training exercise for the police SWAT team. He was

quickly arrested. (Portland Oregonian) ..."Genius may have its

limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." --Elbert Hubbard

(1856-1915), American author.

Charles Mims
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