I was a naughty girl in my saucy St Trinian's outfit

By Rachel Richardson & Sharon Marshall

POP Idol reject Kirsty Crawford has told of the first time she went all the way to the final with a lover.

She was dressed in a St Trinian's schoolgirl outfit at a boozy party which turned out to be a real education.

The sexy 20-year-old, who was one of the first finalists to be booted off the TV talent show earlier this year, revealed how the kinky encounter unfolded three years ago.

"I was at a fancy dress party and I was a little drunk," said Kirsty. "And we'd been to our local before that.


"The guy was a close friend and we ended up having a mini party of our own at mine after we sneaked off—with me in my St Trinian's outfit."

She says her first sexual encounter wasn't her best ever performance, but it was certainly one of the most memorable.

However, one performance she'd rather forget is the nervous rendition of Anastasia's I'm Outta Love that got her chucked off the ITV1 show in October.

Now the medical student can only look on ruefully as the competition reaches the final countdown. The last three hopefuls, Sam Nixon, Mark Rhodes and Michelle McManus, last night fought for a place in the decider next Saturday.

Glasgow lass Kirsty, who has put her college course on hold, says that despite the setback, singing is her passion and she's determined to succeed

However, after her swift exit from the finals this year saucy Kirsty revealed she had another interest—fellow contestant Susanne Manning.

She confessed to having had a crush on her good pal Susanne while they filmed the show. They even shared a bed.Kirsty giggled: "We have a kiss boobies kind of thing. We don't actually do anything, we just bounce boobs."

However, now she says she only has eyes for her boyfriend Nick. They've been together for 18 months— and Kirsty says she still enjoys dressing up.


And it certainly gets Nick's vote—the 22-year-old loves going shopping with Kirsty to pick out sexy lingerie for her.

Their favourite store is Ann Summers. Kirsty said: "I love going there. I don't really get the sex toy thing unless someone else is with me but I do love sexy undies."

Kirsty said it was difficult being away from Nick when she was shut away in a hotel for two weeks at the start of the Pop Idol final, but the separation only made their love grow stronger.

Now she's sure that Nick is the one for her.

"Nick has everything I would want in a husband and we have gone through quite a lot together," she said. "I can see myself having children with him." Which means that the bear paw tattoos cheekily placed on the small of her back will be for Nick's hands only.

The stunner revealed she loves the unusual body art but tires of having to laugh off male fans who spot the paw prints and joke: "So we know what your favourite position is then."

Kirsty says Pop Idol has certainly had its highs and lowsbut nothing compares with the heartbreak of being dumped from the show's forthcoming nationwide tour.

Although she recorded the Idol's Christmas album and single, Happy Christmas (War Is Over) she was told, along with Leon, that she wouldn't be joining the other ten finalists for six gigs next spring.


Kirsty will make around £20,000 from the Pop Idol Christmas album but will miss out on around £50,000 by not taking part in the concerts.

But she said the money was not her main concern—she just wanted to perform. She even offered to do the shows for free. Kirsty added: "I'd do anything to be on that tour."

As for who will be crowned Pop Idol 2003, Kirsty said diplomatically: "They all deserve to win."

Relive the highlights of this year's show in Pop Idol: Living The Dream. It's available from January 19 on DVD and VHS.

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