December 15, 2003


      The Top 15 Signs You're Not Getting a Bonus This Year

15> You've been assigned to bake five dozen Ebenezer Scrooge
    cookies for the annual holiday party.

14> Your last pickup basketball game with the guys from the office
    was played "shirts and no-bonuses."

13> Your CEO delivers his annual holiday message via satellite
    from the Cayman Islands and ends with "So long, suckers!"

12> Heck, your last *paycheck* was scratched out on a lump of coal.

11> You just buzzed the cops through the front gate at Neverland
    without checking their badges.

10> Every time you walk past the boss' office, he throws another
    stapler at you.

 9> Your boss flew halfway around the world to meet you for
    Thanksgiving -- then gave you a fake turkey.

 8> Your latest job task: Pilfer office supplies from unsuspecting
    post offices and copy shops.

 7> There won't be anything left for a bonus after they pay off
    those secretaries you groped.

 6> Let's just say that this gig as pyrotechnics engineer for
    Great White hasn't been the career move you envisioned.

 5> Holiday party "buffet" nothing but abandoned lunches from
    the break room fridge.

 4> Your shoe company already gave all its excess cash to LeBron.

 3> Your new cubicle doubles as a men's room stall.

 2> Bonus, schmonus -- in the grand scheme of things, having your
    boss walk in while you were banging his wife is reward enough.

                 and's Number 1 Sign
              You're Not Getting a Bonus This Year..

 1> Your cash bonus was confiscated when the U.S. Army captured
    your boss in a farmhouse outside of Tikrit.

             [  The Top 5 List  ]
             [   Copyright 2003 by Chris White    ]


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