What does the "57" on Heinz 57 indicate?

The comment "fifty-seven varieties" on a bottle of ketchup doesn't actually indicate 57 varieties of ketchup - it's actually supposed to mean 57 varieties of food products in general. There are only three varieties of Heinz ketchup, regular, hot, and low-sodium, but there are far more than 57 varieties of Heinz pickles, Heinz sauces, Heinz soups, etc. Indeed, if one was to count everything Heinz and all its divisions and subsidiaries make, there are near to 1,300 varieties. In actuality, the slogan may not mean a thing. It was invented by the company's founder, Henry J. Heinz, in 1892 while riding the elevated in New York one day. Reading the car cards on the ceiling, his eye alighted on the slogan "21 styles of shoes." Liking the general idea of the sign came up with the somewhat arbitrary number "57," and thus was history made.


Charles Mims




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