Public doubts Michael Jackson's guilt

WASHINGTON -- Fewer Americans believe Michael Jackson is guilty of child molestation even as California prosecutors ready charges against him, a new poll shows. According to the Dec. 11-14 poll, 54 percent said the sexual abuse allegations are either "definitely true" or "probably true." That is down from 62 percent in a similar poll conducted Dec. 5-7, USA Today reported Wednesday. The 8-point drop could be a result of revelations that seem to bolster Jackson's case. A confidential memo leaked to last week indicated Los Angeles child welfare officials cleared Jackson of any misconduct during a February investigation involving the same boy at the center of the current investigation. Other reports attacked the credibility of the accuser and his family. Santa Barbara County officials accuse Jackson of molesting a young cancer patient at his Neverland Valley Ranch. Charges were expected to be filed on Thursday or Friday in Santa Maria, Calif., Santa Barbara County District Attorney Thomas Sneddon said.


Charles Mims



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