Dem Ad Morphs Bush into Hitler

Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie is calling on the Democratic Party to disavow an 2004 presidential ad campaign that uses visual imagery to compare President Bush to Adolf Hitler.

Referring to the presidential ad contest currently being sponsored by the Web site, Gillespie told "Fox News Sunday," "One of the ads submitted that they considered viable for airing . . . one of them morphed President Bush into Adolf Hitler."

"That's the kind of tactic we're seeing on the left today in support of these Democratic candidates," he complained.

Calling the spot "vile" and "heinous," Gillespie challenged all nine Democratic candidates to condemn any campaign commercial comparing Bush to the Third Reich dictator.

"Every Democrat at the [Iowa] debate tonight ought to repudiate that tactic," he told Fox.

A message on's Web site says finalists in the ad contest will be announced Monday. Included among the judges - notorious Bush haters Michael Moore and Janeane Garofalo, as well as actor Jack Black, comedian Margaret Cho and Donna Brazile, former campaign manager for Al Gore.

Over the last year Gore has developed close ties to the radical left-wing group.

In November,'s primary financial backer George Soros compared Bush to Hitler in an interview with the Washington Post.

Saying he believed the White House was guided by a "supremacist ideology," Soros complained:

"America, under Bush, is a danger to the world . . . When I hear Bush say, 'You're either with us or against us,' it reminds me of the Germans . . . My experiences under Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me."

Before the interview, the Hungarian emigre announced that he was donating $5 million to MoveOn, the organization's single biggest contribution ever.

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