Today's list was compiled from submissions sent in
       by you, our lovely and talented ClubTop5 subscribers.

     The Top 20 Martha Stewart Household Tips for Dumb People

20> Quick-dry plaster + friggin' cats that keep crapping on the
    rug = instant bookends!

19> Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  If you're 
    really running late, bring the waffle iron into the shower 
    with you!

18> Sex isn't nearly as disgusting when you use a hand-knitted
    penis cozy. 
17> To know when to change to the next square of toilet paper, 
    label them with consecutive days of the week.
16> A simple turkey baster can also be used to remove those pesky
    beans lodged in your ear canal.
15> Don't discard used toothpicks -- simply glue on some belly 
    button lint and you'll never pay for Q-tips again. 
14> A wreath of dirty underwear is great for repelling mosquitoes!

13> Freeze some urine in a Mrs. Butterworth's bottle, then break
    the glass for an ice sculpture that'll have your guests talking!
12> Nail bars of soap to the bottom of your shoes and hose down 
    the kitchen floor and you've just created your own indoor 
    Olympic skatin' rink!

11> In a pinch, frozen water can substitute for ice. 

10> BayWatch videos can help get those flabby forearms in shape.

 9> Always buy two pairs of the same socks; that way, if you lose
    a sock, you have two replacements.  

 8> An activity as simple as counting will help to ensure that 
    your "Top 5" list did not actually exceed five items.
 7> Duct taping the baby to a ceiling fan after meals makes for 
    a lively game of "Dodge the Chunks!"
 6> Fill up those holes in the bathroom tile grout with Mother 
    Nature's own sealant:  snot!

 5> Adding sprigs of baby's breath behind the ears of a loved 
    one's corpse is sure to lift everyone's spirits during the 
 4> A dead dog makes an excellent door stop -- for a while.

 3> While the common method of flushing a dead fish down the 
    toilet can be sad for the kids, putting the aquarium snail 
    down the garbage disposal makes an interesting sound that 
    can be enjoyed by all.
 2> In the fall, you can sew leaves back onto your trees to delay 
    the onset of winter.

            and's Number 1 Martha Stewart
                 Household Tip for Dumb People...

 1> With a Hefty 40-gallon trash can liner and cable tie-wrap, 
    you'll have grandma's daily colostomy bags changes down to 
    once a month.

             [  The Top 5 List  ]
             [   Copyright 2000 by Chris White    ]

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