Report: Syria Hiding WMD   

Saddam's weapons smuggled to 3 locations, sources claim

January 6, 2004
C 2004 

A relative of Syrian President Bashar Assad is hiding Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction in three locations in Syria, according to intelligence sources
cited by an exiled opposition party. 

The weapons were smuggled in large wooden crates and barrels by Zu Alhema
al-Shaleesh, known for moving arms into Iraq in violation of U.N.
resolutions and for sending recruits to fight coalition forces, said the
U.S.-based Reform Party of Syria. 

The party, based in Potomac, Md., regards itself as a secular body comprised
of Syrians who want to see the country embrace "real democratic and economic

One weapons-cache location identified by the sources is a mountain tunnel
near the village of al-Baidah in northwest Syria, the report said. The
tunnel is known to house a branch of the Assad regime's national security

Two other arms supplies are reported to be in west-central Syria. One is
hidden at a factory operated by the Syrian Air Force, near the village of
Tal Snan, between the cities of Hama and Salmiyeh. The third location is
tunnels beneath the small town of Shinshar, which belongs to the 661
battalion of the Syrian Air Force. 

The nephew of Zu Alhema al-Shaleesh, Assef al-Shaleesh, runs Al Bashair
Trading Co., a front for the Assad family involved prior to the war in oil
smuggling from Iraq and arms smuggling into the country. Al-Bashair has
offices in Damascus, Beirut and Baghdad. 

In an exclusive interview yesterday with the London Telegraph, Assad came
close to admitting his country possessed stockpiles of weapons of mass

Assad told the London paper Syria rejects American and British demands for
concessions on weapons of mass destruction, insisting Damascus is entitled
to defend itself by acquiring its own chemical and biological deterrent. 

He said Israel must agree to abandon its undeclared nuclear arsenal in order
for Syria to consider any deal with the U.S. 

Last week, the Los Angeles Times reported Al Bashair Trading Co.
participated in the smuggling of millions of dollars worth of sophisticated
arms and equipment to Saddam Hussein for three years prior to the Iraqi
leader's overthrow. 

Al Bashair executives met with North Korean firms before the war began,
according to the Los Angeles daily. The paper's three-month investigation
included the translation of 800 signed contracts found in the Al Bashair
Trading Co. office shortly before U.S. troops entered Baghdad. 

Just prior to the U.S.-led effort to oust Hussein, SES International Corp.
signed at least 50 contracts to supply weapons and gear to Iraq, the Times
said, including 1,000 heavy machine guns and up to 20 million bullets for
assault rifles. 

Not all the weapons were delivered, but some may still be in use by
terrorists battling the U.S. occupation forces, the newspaper said. 

At least one shipment of arms was completed with the help of the Syrian
government in violation of a U.N. arms embargo. 

SES International Corp. denied any wrongdoing, while Syria's foreign
ministry refused to comment to the Times.


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