Specific New Details in the Jackson Case
January 14, 2004

"Celebrity Justice" has learned that one of the allegations is that Michael Jackson ejaculated in the presence of his accuser. We've already reported that fondling is a big part of the prosecution's case, but now this new detail.

And "CJ" also has new information about Jackson's accuser and his family. Sources tell us that during the period in question, early February through mid March, the mother and her kids moved from their L.A. home to Neverland.

In fact, the mother says that one of Jackson's people, 24-year-old Vinnie Amen, who lives in a palatial New Jersey home with his parents, was instrumental in getting the boy out of his L.A. school. She says Vinnie promised the boy would get schooling at Neverland, but that never happened.

The mother says she felt like she was being held hostage by Vinnie and another man, Frank Tyson, as well as other Jackson people while they stayed at Neverland. She says she was scared into staying after they told her there were death threats against the family because of that now famous Jackson documentary.

And we're told when Los Angeles County Children's Services interviewed the boy and his family last February, Vinnie actually accompanied them and even tried to get inside during the interview. When he wasn't allowed in, we're told he gave the mother an audio recording device.

What's interesting is that at this point the boy had never claimed molestation. The mother did not record the interview.

And "CJ" is told that when the family moved out of Neverland in March, Jackson's people did not return a suitcase full of personal belongings, including underwear, socks, and shoes.




Jen --













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