Cheese Crisps

Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray, place thick slices (about 1/8" thick and I cut that into fours so they aren't so big to handle) of sharp cheddar cheese on it. Sprinkle with seasoned salt, bake @ 350 for about 20 minutes.
2nd Recipe:
First, make sure you have parchment paper, freezer paper or a glass dish or plate of some kind. I use Kraft singles, 2 carbs each. Regular cheese doesn't work the same. Get a piece of cheese and cut it into 4 equal strips. Stack the strips and cut 4 times again across the strips to get 16 squares. Place them on the paper or glass dish about an inch apart and stick them in the microwave. Nuke and keep an eye on them as microwaves vary. When they get puffy and a bit freckly, they are done. They can burn very easily, so watch them. Peel them off and you have cheesy poofs! They will be crispy and taste (to me) like Cheez Nips.



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