Limbaugh Lawyer: Prosecutor's Office May Have Committed Crime

The Palm Beach County state attorney's office may have committed a crime by leaking bogus information to the media in an attempt to discredit talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, Limbaugh's attorney said late Wednesday.

"By leaking stories, by leaking information about this particular statute, there‘s a subsection of it that makes it a crime to do that," attorney Roy Black told MSNBC's "Scarborough Country."

"We have continually asked that this be investigated, but we‘ve yet to receive the courtesy of a reply," Black complained.

The top attorney accused Mike Edmondson, who works for State Attorney Barry Krischer, of leaking baseless allegations accusing the talk host of drug trafficking and money laundering.

Krischer's office is currently investigating whether Limbaugh engaged in "doctor shopping" to obtain thousands of painkillers for a back ailment without a prescription.

"One of the reporters actually told us that Edmondson was the one planting these stories in the press," he said, noting that as soon as he complained to Krischer Edmondson went on vacation.

Asked if anyone else was involved in the possibly illegal leaks, Black told "Scarborough Country," "No, I think it‘s coming directly from this one gentleman in the Palm Beach County state attorney‘s office, who was continually planting these stories in the press."

"[He] did it with ABC News, [he] did it with the Palm Beach Post, with even MSNBC," Black complained. "So we know it's happened a number of times. As I've said, we've asked for an investigation. None has been conducted as of this date."

As evidence that Limbaugh was being targeted for selective prosecution, Black cited the case of Florida State Sen. Mandy Dawson, who was arrested in October for trying to obtain painkillers with a forged prescription.

Rather than being prosecuted, fraud charges against Sen. Dawson were dropped after she completed a drug rehab program.

Limbaugh has completed his own drug rehab and returned to the airwaves on Nov. 17 last year.

Charles Mims
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